Ljubiša Metikoš' opinion piece about the AI Act

27 june 2024



Ljubiša Metikoš is a PhD researcher at the Amsterdam Institute for Information Law (IViR), the RPA HumanE AI and the Paul Scholten Centre for Jurisprudence.

He researches the social implications and the underlying values of automated decision making by the state from a regulatory and (legal) philosophical perspective.


In his opinion piece titled ‘The AI Act: Weak, Weaker Weakest’ for MediaForum, Ljubiša Metikoš lists several issues with the AI ACT. He offers an overview of the lack of transparency in the legislative process that make its difficult for academics to exercise their function as public watchdogs. 

The legislative process of the AI Act was plagued by powerful Big Tech lobby groups, who pushed the narrative that AI regulation would harm Europe in the global ‘AI race’.  He manages to offer insights about how the final version of the AI Act has become: a long series of watered-down attempts at regulation, resulting in a long list of exceptions.

The original opinion piece is in Dutch and an English translation can be found on SSRN.