Call for Papers: Digital Legal Talks 2024

1 JULy 2024

The Digital Legal Lab is excited to announce that the fifth edition of its annual conference, Digital Legal Talks, will be held on 28 and 29 November in Utrecht! This year’s conference will be fully in-person, promising vibrant discussions and networking opportunities.

We invite researchers to submit their papers for consideration. Accepted submissions will be presented on 28 November, while plenary sessions with invited speakers will take place on 29 November.

The conference will explore the intersection of law and digital technologies, focusing on key areas such as:

  1. Responsible data sharing and AI regulation
  2. Digitalization of justice systems and dispute resolution
  3. Technology for law and legal practice
  4. Digital platforms as public interest enforcers
  5. Enforcement and technology (e.g., DSA, DMA, AI Act, Data Act)
  6. Data protection and cybersecurity
  7. Other relevant topics in law and technology

Submit your papers now and join us in shaping the future of digital law. For more details on the conference and submission guidelines, please visit this page.