in the media
associated researchers in media & society

JUne 2023
Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, professor ICT and law at the iHub (Radboud Universiteit), spoke at length, in Dutch, with Anna Pleijsier about the AI Act proposal for the radio programme Vroeg, NPO1.
May 2023
ICTworks reported on a list of terms relating to digital rights used in DLS researcher Siddharth Peter De Souza’s and Gargi Sharma‘s Playbook for Solidarity in Digital Rights Work. The playbook refers to twelve new terms and concepts which are highly contextual and whose operationalization will require deep thinking and engagement with local communities.
April 2023
The Bits of Freedom Podcast invited DLS researcher Joran van Apeldoorn to speak about an algorithm used for years by the Municipality of Rotterdam to predict which of its welfare recipients might tamper with their benefits. The algorithm showed biases and mainly targeted vulnerable groups, such as women who do not speak Dutch and young single mothers. Joran explained more about how the algorithm worked and the data it used.
April 2023
De Standaard, a Flemish daily newspaper, sought DLS researcher Joris van Hoboken’s opinion when the German Ministery of Justice started proceedings against Twitter for inadequately handling complaints about illegal content. He talked about the new European Digital Services Act and which obligations the Act imposes on platforms like Twitter.
April 2023
The Dutch IT Channel, a tech business platform, reported on DLS researcher Esther Keymolen’s appointment as Professor of Regulation of Digital Technology at Tilburg University. The research of the Digital Technology Regulation chair will focus on how legal notions of liability, accountability and responsibility take shape in practice, within and influenced by a specific socio-technical context, and how these notions align or conflict with other ethical values of stakeholders, in particular trust and trustworthiness.
March 2023
Euractiv, a pan-European news website specialised in EU policies, invited Digital Legal Lab researcher Inge Graef for an episode of its podcast The Tech Brief. Together with Filippo Lancieri, they discussed how the data sharing provisions in the DMA and DSA might work in practice.
Eenvandaag asked Digital Legal Lab Researcher Paddy Leersen eight selected questions on the Digital Services Act. He answered amongst others what will change for spreading fake news online with the new EU Regulation.
January 2023
The Nieuwschecker, a journalistic initiative by Leiden University, has interviewed Digital Legal Lab researcher Natali Helberger on the new Digital Services Act. Together with her colleague Michael Klos from Leiden University, she spoke about the new rules and their likely impact on freedom of expression and the fight against illegal online content.
December 2022
Catalina Goanta and Jerry Spanakis spoke about their views on ChatGPT, a large AI language model trained by OpenAI. Interestingly, American journalist Chris Stokel-Walter used ChatGPT itself to send out the interview requests, to draft the questions and to write the final article.
september 2022
AG Connect interviewed Digital Legal Lab researcher Merel Noorman on her research and work regarding AI governance. She spoke about current issues in AI governance and possible ways to tackle them.
Reformatorisch Dagblad
june 2022
Digital Legal Lab member Pieter Wolters spoke with Dutch newspaper Reformatisch Dagblad about the DSA and freedom of expression online.
may 2022
Digital Legal Lab member Pieter Wolters was interviewed by the Radboud Center for Decision Science on his work, the value of doing interdisciplinary research and the importance of regulating digital technology.
may 2022
PhD researcher Yong Yong Hu (Radboud University & Digital Legal Lab) was part of the V100 meeting at the House of Representatives. The V100 – a group of one hundred young scientists – critically reviewed the annual reports of all Dutch ministries before presenting their questions to the President of the House of Representatives.
April 2022
Digital Legal Lab member Joris van Hoboken spoke with The Markup about the Digital Services Act. He talked about the Digital Service Act Observatory project he leads, and why he thinks the commonly used slogan to describe the DSA – “What is illegal offline must also be illegal online” – is a lame slogan
April 2022
Twitter has suspended the account of Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders, over a tweet addressed to Pakistan’s Prime Minister. Digital Legal Lab member professor Pietro Ortolani shared his views on the controversial suspension with national outlet NOS.
April 2022
Daily newspaper NRC published an article on Bart van der Sloot’s recent study on deepfake technology, and how the tech is widely abused to create non-consensual porn. What can be done to tackle this disturbing new form of online abuse?
March 2022
Professor Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Radboud University) was interviewed by Financieel Dagblad on the phasing out of third-party cookies—a technology that shaped online advertising for years.
February 2022
Public news broadcaster NOS interviewed professor Pietro Ortolani (Radboud University) on the power of tech giants to fight disinformation in Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Public news broadcaster NOS interviewed PhD researcher Naomi Appelman (University of Amsterdam) and professor Pietro Ortolani (Radboud University) on the first year of Facebook’s Oversight Board.
Bart van der Sloot was invited by news radio station BNR to talk about his research on deepfakes and the legal and societal challenges this technology brings.
In an interview with the Dutch daily newspaper NRC, professor Natali Helberger critically reflects on the newly formed government’s plans to regulate big tech.
November 2021
In a story on Covid passes published by De Groene Amsterdammer, professor Linnet Taylor discusses the security theater of digital immunity passports – and why, if anything, coronavirus QR codes prove our hopeless inability to see the pandemic as a global problem.
October 2021
Naomi Appelman made an expert appearance on NPO2’s scientific television program Atlas. She was invited to talk about her PhD research on the regulation of tech giants and social media platforms.
OO&R Podcast
September 2021
TikTok is facing claims worth billions for violating GDPR laws. How likely will these claims be successful? In a podcast by research center OO&R at Radboud University, Pieter Wolters and Tim Walree discuss the right to compensation for the unlawful processing of personal data.
DE Volkskrant
September 2021
Google, Facebook, Apple and Twitter all have their EU headquarters in Dublin, making Ireland’s watchdog of key importance in holding Big Tech to the law. The problem: the Irish are just too nice.
August 2021
Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius was invited by current affairs television program Nieuwsuur to discuss the use of smart traffic cameras by police, after newspapers NRC recently revealed that license plate recognition cams were also used for facial recognition in criminal investigations.
June 2021
In a podcast episode of ACES Cast, Anna van Duin discusses how practicing as an attorney relates to her academic career, what the EU fundamental right to access to court means, and why harmful online content is so hard to remove.
Cross media cafe
June 2021
For years, third-party cookies were used to track digital media consumers. But now that these cookies are disappearing from the media and advertising landscape, the industry is looking for new ways to collect data without violating the privacy of consumers. Prof. Natali Helberger joined the Cross Media Café to talk about potential solutions.
June 2021
In a Brandpunt+ article on the modernization of the Dutch justice system, prof. Floris Bex explained how algorithms can support our courts and judges. If done right, he argued, AI systems can help improve the justice system by relieving pressure on humans.
Al Jazeera
May 2021
Dr. Catalina Goanta joined Al Jazeera’s Inside Story to talk about the legal battle between WhatsApp and India over the government’s new internet rules, which would make app messages traceable. Are free speech and privacy under threat?
Al Jazeera
april 2021
Dr. Rūta Liepina joined Inside Story on Al Jazeera to comment on Elon Musk’s brain-chip startup Neuralink, and to talk about the risks and opportunities of brain implant technologies.
De Volkskrant
april 2021
Prof. Natali Helberger and dr. Linnet Taylor were among the experts commenting in a Volkskrant piece on the Oversight Board that decides whether Facebook’s ban on Donald Trump and Zwarte Piet will be permanent or revoked. (In Dutch)
Al Jazeera
april 2021
Dr. Catalina Goanta joined Inside Story on Al Jazeera after the personal data of more than half a billion Facebook users were shared online in a security breach. How can social media users be protected from hackers?
Stand van Zaken: Generatie Next
april 2021
In the Dutch research show Stand van Nederland: Generatie Next, prof. Natali Helberger explained how the increasing use of predictive algorithms can lead to violations of fundamental rights. (In Dutch)
Al Jazeera
February 2021
Dr. Catalina Goanta joined Al Jazeera’s Inside Story to talk about Facebook’s news ban in Australia and who should pay for online news.
BBc 4
In an audio documentary by the BBC, dr. Catalina Goanta talked about the relationship between social media influencers and clinics promoting cosmetic surgery.
December 2020
In daily newspaper NRC, professor Joris van Hoboken gave his perspective on the EU’s new digital markets legislation.
Digital Privacy News
December 2020
Eleni Kosta talked to Digital Privacy News about a tracking code installed on millions of Iphones without consent. Does Apple’s tracking tool breach EU privacy law?
november 2020
Naomi Appelman was interviewed by daily newspaper Trouw on a recent report she co-authored, which shows that it is extremely difficult for victims of online harassment to take legal action against their attackers.
October 2020
Professor Natali Helberger talked to VICE about the soon to be launched Digital Services Act – a European regulation that some experts say will change the internet forever.
Al Jazeera
september 2020
Social media platforms are increasingly saying no to political ads. But what about sponsored political speech by influencers? Dr. Catalina Goanta appeared on Al Jazeera to talk about the spread of misinformation and how to regulate it.
de volkskrant
september 2020
In an opinion piece written together with legal scholar Sarah Eskens, professor Natali Helberger argues that a watchful eye should be kept on Apple and Google as the Netherlands implements the ‘CoronaMelder’ app to combat Covid-19. (In Dutch)
August 2020
Tech philosopher and legal scholar Bart van der Sloot explains why AI systems can reproduce human bias and discrimination – and what can be done about it. (In Dutch)
Radboud business law institute (OO&R)
July 2020
In a podcast of the Radboud Business Law Institute (OO&R), Pieter Wolters, Tom Salemink and Claartje Bulten discuss the cybersecurity issues when setting up a private company online. (In Dutch)
june 2020
Legal scholar Gijs van Dijck expresses his concerns about the use of algorithms by probation and parole agencies, warning that ethnic profiling may occur. (In Dutch)
june 2020
In this podcast by, tech philosopher Esther Keymolen discusses the risks posed by facial recognition technologies. (In Dutch)
June 2020
Secondant, the magazine of the Dutch Centre for Crime Prevention and Safety (CCV), spoke with professor Ronald Leenes about the far-reaching impact of the coronavirus crisis on our civil liberties. (In Dutch)
June 2020
Professor Natali Helberger commented to the BBC on the use of contact-tracing technology to ease coronavirus lockdown, warning that apps are no silver bullet to counter the spread of Covid-19.
influencer law
april 2020
In this Youtube podcast hosted by dr. Catalina Goanta, dr. Pietro Ortolani and two other researchers talk about what social media platforms are doing to moderate content during the current global health crisis.
de volkskrant
april 2020
In daily newspaper de Volkskrant, professor Ronald Leenes commented on Facebook’s role in collecting data on the spread of the coronavirus. (In Dutch)
open letter to the dutch government
april 2020
A group of 60 scientists, including a few prominent researchers affiliated with the Digital Legal Lab, wrote a letter to the Dutch government to express their concerns about the use of apps to combat Covid-19.
april 2020
Associate professor Linnet Taylor shared her views on coronavirus contact-tracing apps, and the potential risks they pose, with Tilburg University’s independent newspaper Univers.
februari 2020
In daily newspaper Trouw, professor Joris van Hoboken shared his opinion on an invasive tax detection system that was secretly used by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. (In Dutch)
Al Jazeera
februari 2020
Dr. Catalina Goanta appeared on Al Jazeera to discuss how digitalisation will shape Europe’s future.
februari 2020
Professor Natali Helberger was interviewed by NRC on news feed algorithms and filter bubbles. (In Dutch)