Our researchers contribute to conferences, seminars, workshops and other events on a regular basis. On this page, you can find an overview of upcoming and recent events.
And here you can find a selection of recorded events and discussions that are freely available to watch.
upcoming events
Winter School on “Experimental and Engaged Approaches to Legal Research”
- 9:00 am
- Tilburg University
The Lab will support a winter school which will be focused on how legal researchers can experiment with methods to (I) perform their research more effectively with different audiences, for example exploring art-based techniques; (II) communicate and disseminate their results more powerfully using engaged methods; (III) build synergies with civil society, artists and practitioners; (IV) reflect on their positionality as legal researchers and their role as storytellers, mediators etc. The winter school will take place from November 22 to November 24.
Winter School “Data, personalization, and the law 2023”
- 9:30 am
- Lorentz Center in Leiden
The winter school will be dedicated to technological and regulatory developments and interdisciplinary debates in relation to data and personalisation. The programme will cover topics related to how digital technologies like algorithms, big data analytics, and automated decision-making affect various sectors and the regulatory approaches that are seemingly moving from the conventional regulation of human behaviour to regulating how data behaves; how digital technologies challenge decision-making related to diverse public values, in particular fundamental rights; and how to use data analytics technology in a meaningful way to overcome barriers to access to justice.

past events
Congress: Digital Legal Talks 2023
- 9:00 am
- Utrecht
Our annual Digital Legal Talks will be an all-day event packed with exciting talks and sessions on law & digital technologies, with researchers from within and outside the Digital Legal Lab sharing their work, perspectives and ideas on the digitalization of society. The conference will be held fully in-person this year, at De Zalen van Zeven (Boothstraat) in Utrecht. Participation is free of charge.
- 9:00 am
- Brussels
In 2020, the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy presented the ‘EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Decade’. The strategy promised to bolster Europe’s collective resilience against cyber threats and help to ensure that all citizens and businesses can fully benefit from trustworthy and reliable services and digital tools. The aim of the Digital Legal Lab's cybersecurity conference is to bring together academics, policymakers, and practitioners with different specialities to discuss the Cybersecurity Strategy and its implementation. After more than two years, it is time to evaluate whether the strategy is succeeding in its goals, but also whether it is still fit for purpose in an ever evolving society.
Tilburg University: program Big Data | AI & Law
- 9:30 am
- Tllburg
Tilburg university organises its program Big Data | AI & Law. The program is open to everyone who is interested in learning more about big data and law. The program aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) related to law and legal practice, including how to apply GDPR in all phases of the development and deployment of AI systems, and what risk management tools are required to ensure Algorithmic Accountability.
Privacy Book Club: 'Why Privacy Matters'
- 12:00 pm
- Online
Join the third gathering of the Privacy Book Club! Organized by dr. Irene Kamara (Tilburg University) & dr. Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux (Maastricht University), the Privacy Book Club aims to bring together researchers interested in privacy-related topics to discuss new scholarship on privacy, revisit critical theories, and debate the future of privacy. The book club welcomes everyone interested in privacy and data protection and is willing to share their thoughts with the club members.
Workshop on the Digital Markets Act
- 2:00 pm
- Online
SteR, iHub, TILT and TILEC are hosting an online workshop on the afternoon of 15 December 2022 to celebrate the two-year anniversary of the DMA proposal and to discuss the final text (Regulation 2022/1925) published on 12 October 2022. The purpose of this workshop is two-fold. On the one hand, it aims at bringing attendees up to speed with the main changes that occurred between the proposal and the final text. On the other hand, it aims to look ahead and to put the focus on some key challenges that the DMA will face in the coming years.
Digital Legal Talks 2022
- 9:00 am
- Utrecht
Digital Legal Talks will return, live and in person, on 24 November 2022! Join us for a vibrant conference packed with exciting talks and sessions on law & digital technologies, with researchers from across the globe sharing their work, perspectives and ideas on the digitalization of society. This year’s conference will be held at De Zalen van Zeven, an old church building in the historic center of Utrecht.
Symposium The Future of European Private Law
- 9:30 am
- Radboud University
On 3 and 4 November, the symposium on The Future of European Private Law will take place at Radboud University! It is now possible to register. Click on the 'more' button for information on how to register!
Inaugural lecture Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius
- 3:45 pm
- Radboud University
Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Prof. ICT and law, gave his inaugural lecture in Nijmegen. The lecture is in Dutch, and the title is: 'Digitale discriminatie en differentiatie: het recht is er nog niet klaar voor' [Digital discrimination and differentiation: the law isn't ready for this].
Huibregtsen Award ceremony
- 6:00 pm
- Leiden
Digital Legal Lab member Linnet Taylor (Tilburg University) has been nominated for the Huibregtsenprijs, an award for excellent and innovative research with outstanding societal value. On 10 October, the award has been presented to the winner during the "Avond van Wetenschap & Maatschappij" in Leiden.
TILT & TILEC Workshop on the Data Act
- 2:00 pm
- Online via Zoom
TILT and TILEC are hosted an online workshop in the afternoons of 3 and 4 October 2022 to bring together academics, policymakers and industry representatives for a discussion of the legislative proposal for a Data Act. The expectations of the Data Act to create a fair, competitive and innovative data economy are high. The workshop aimed at exploring whether the current text of the Data Act can meet these expectations and what pitfalls needs to be considered during the further legislative process.
First Privacy Book Club Event
- 12:00 pm
- Zoom
DLL hosted its first Privacy Book Club meeting organized by Irene Kamara (Tilburg University) and Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux (Maastricht University). The Privacy Book Club (PBC) aims to bring together researchers interested in privacy-related topics to discuss new scholarship on privacy, revisit critical theories, and debate the future of privacy. The Privacy Book Club welcomes everyone interested in privacy and data protection and is willing to share their thoughts with the club members.
DLS Community Event
- 1:00 pm
- Verkade Fabriek, s'Hertogenbosch
On 7 September, a successful DLS Community Event took place in s'Hertogenbosch. It was an afternoon full of insightful discussions and research presentations.
Quantum & Society Research Colloquium
- 3:30 pm
- Amsterdam
As one of the lead researchers of the Centre for Quantum & Society of Quantum Delta NL, Joris van Hoboken co-organizes the Quantum & Society Research Colloquium. This new monthly colloquium will provide a platform for quantum & society researchers, within the ecosystem and beyond to showcase their research for the broader research community. Join us for the launch event on 28 June in Amsterdam!
GoodBrother International Conference on Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society
- 9:00 am
- Zagreb, Croatia
Esther Keymolen (Tilburg University) will give a keynote speech at the GoodBrother International Conference on "Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society," which will be held in Zagreb, Croatia, on 28 June.
festive presentation of the winners of the second IViR “Science Fiction & Information Law” Essay Competition
- 3:15 pm
- Unversity of Amsterdam
Natali Helberger organizes the second IViR “Science Fiction & Information Law” Essay Competition, with a festive presentation of the winners taking place on 28 June. Needless to say that there will be drinks and some very cool sci-fi stories to remember. Due to capacity, we kindly ask you to rsvp to confirm your attendance to Nathalie van Doorn (n.p.vandoorn@uva.nl).
The Role of Courts and Access to Justice in the Digital Era
- 12:00 pm
- Online
In collaboration with the Digital Legal Lab, Radboud University will host a two-day hybrid international conference on 9-10 June 2022. The conference will explore the role of courts and access to justice in the digital era.
Digital Legal Lab Seminar with Professor Amy J. Schmitz
- 3:30 pm
- Nijmegen
Join us on 7 June 2022 in Nijmegen for the kick-off edition of the Digital Legal Lab Seminar Series! We are absolutely delighted to have prof. Amy J. Schmitz (The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law) speak on online dispute resolution for smart contracts and NFT disputes.
Academic Symposium
- 9:00 am
- Rome
On 30 May, Digital Legal Lab researchers Eleni Kosta and Irene Kamara from Tilburg University co-organize an academic symposium on "The quest for clarity in data retention and national security in Europe - the way forward" in Rome.
CPDP panel with Jill Toh
- 2:15 pm
- Online
The Digital Legal Lab is a co-sponsor of the CPDP panel "Collectively Making it Work: (F)laws of Individual Approaches to Resist Platform Power", organized by our colleagues at the University of Amsterdam and with Digital Legal Lab member Jill Toh on the speaker lineup.
CPDP panel with Eleni Kosta
- 11:45 pm
- Online
The Digital Legal Lab is happy to co-organize and co-sponsor professor Eleni Kosta's (Tilburg University) panel "Data Protection Concerns in the AML/CFT Framework" at CPDP 2022.
DTDM Talk with dr. Rodrigo Vallejo Garretón
- 4:00 pm
- Online
The Digital Transformation of Decision-Making (DTDM) research initiative at the Amsterdam Law School—one of the partner institutions of the Digital Legal Lab —will host a DTDM Talk with dr. Rodrigo Vallejo Garretón on digitisation and transnational private regulation. Please contact Digital Legal Lab member Eva van der Graaf (e.vandergraaf@uva.nl) if you would like to join.
- 6:00 pm
- Kortrijk, Belgium
The Francqui Foundation encourages the development of higher education by awarding an annual academic chair on proposal of a Belgian university. The 2022 Francqui Chair was awarded to prof. André Janssen (Radboud University & Digital Legal Lab) for his international leading expertise on private law. He will deliver his inaugural lecture "Performance by Artificial Intelligence: The End of Contract Law As We Know It?" on 20 April.
Privacy Symposium Conference 2022
- 9:00 am
- Kortrijk, Belgium
From 5-7 April, the Privacy Symposium conference will take place in Venice, Italy. Digital Legal Lab researcher Svetlana Yakovleva (University of Amsterdam) is among the speakers who will shed light on the latest developments in data protection regulations, compliance and innovative technologies.
TILT seminar: João Pedro Quintais, Ronan Fahy & Naomi Appelman
- 2:30 pm
- Online
In this TILT seminar on "Using Terms and Conditions to apply Fundamental Rights to Content Moderation: Is Article 12 DSA a Paper Tiger?", University of Amsterdam and Digital Legal Lab researchers João Pedro Quintais, Ronan Fahy and Naomi Appelman explore whether Article 12 DSA can help reign in the power of large platforms, or whether it is mostly a paper tiger that further legitimizes the privatisation of fundamental rights balancing and enforcement.
TILEC Club Med: Thomas Tombal & Inge Graef
- 10:45 am
- Tilburg University & Zoom
The Data Act is the latest piece of legislation proposed by the European Commission in the context of its European Data Strategy (February 2022). In this hybrid TILEC Club Med session, Digital Legal Lab researchers Inge Graef and Thomas Tombal from Tilburg University will give a one-hour crash course on what it contains.
first meeting of expert committee on the Integrity of Online Information
- 10:00 am
- Online
Digital Legal Lab researcher Ronan Fahy (University of Amsterdam) has been appointed to the European Council's Committee of Experts on the Integrity of Online Information as an independent expert. The Committee will have its first meeting on 15 March 2022.
IE Private Law Series
- 4:00 pm
- Online
João Pedro Quintais, Naomi Appelman and Ronan Fahy (University of Amsterdam) will present their research entitled “Using Terms and Conditions to apply Fundamental Rights to Content Moderation: Is Article 12 DSA a Paper Tiger?” at IE Law School.
DTDM Talk with Dr. Hadassa Noorda
- 12:45 pm
- Online
The Digital Transformation of Decision-Making (DTDM) research initiative — the University of Amsterdam-based part of the Digital Legal Lab — is delighted to host a DTDM Lunchtime Talk with our colleague dr. Hadassa Noorda on “Employee Monitoring as a Form of Imprisonment”. Dr. Noorda is Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam, Department of Criminal Law. She works in the area of philosophy of criminal law. To join us for this lunchtime talk, please RSVP to Ronan Fahy (r.f.fahy@uva.nl).
- 7:00 pm
- Online
Future of Privacy Forum will announce the 12th Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers winners and virtual awards on 10 February 2022. The award recognizes leading privacy scholarship that is relevant to policymakers in the U.S. Congress, at U.S. federal agencies, and international data protection authorities. Among the winning papers is a publication on 'Smartphone Platforms as Privacy Regulators' by Digital Legal Lab researchers Joris van Hoboken and Ronan Fahy.
DPSN Event on International Data Protection Day
- 1:00 pm
- Online
On 28 January, coinciding with the international Data Protection Day, the newly established Data Protection Law Scholars Network organizes an online meet-up of data protection law researchers from 13.00-15.10 CET. There's a great speaker lineup, with data protection law scholars of all levels of seniority presenting and discussing their work. Digital Legal Lab researchers Ana-Maria Hriscu and Eleni Kosta (both Tilburg University) are part of this exciting new network.
Digital Legal Talks
- 12:00 pm
- Online
The Digital Legal Lab will host the second edition of its annual conference, Digital Legal Talks, on 8 December 2021. Digital Legal Talks 2021 will be an online afternoon packed with keynotes, presentations and discussions on important current issues related to law and digital technologies. The aim of our collaboration’s annual conference is to share knowledge and to inspire researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and others to take on the legal, ethical and societal challenges of the increasingly automated and digitalized future. Participation is free, but registration is required (click to secure your spot).
Workshop "Regulating digital markets: enforcement and remedies"
- 2:00 pm
- Online
Join us on 25 & 26 November for a two-day online workshop on "Regulating digital markets: enforcement & remedies". We have a stellar speaker lineup, with keynotes by prof. Michal Gal (Haifa University) and prof. Ryan Calo (University of Washington School of Law). The workshop is jointly organized by the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) and the Tilburg Law and Economic Center (TILEC) in the context of the Digital Legal Lab research collaboration.
A workshop on EU health data governance and the proposed European Health Data Space
- 2:00 pm
- Online
This workshop on the proposed European Health Data Space (EHDS) will explore the contours of EU health data governance and, in particular, examine the Commission’s plans for the EHDS and the policy options for health data access and sharing therein. The workshop is organized by Digital Legal Lab members Tjaša Petročnik and Robin Pierce, together with professor Giorgio Monti from TILT (Tilburg University).
The AI Act & the regulatory coherence of EU initiatives concerning the digital economy and society
- 1:00 pm
- Online
On 29 September, the Digital Legal Lab research collaboration is organizing a workshop on the AI Act. The main question that will be addressed: how do the recent EU legislative initiatives concerning the digital economy and society, including the AI Act, the Digital Services Package, and the Data Governance Act, interact and fit together?
science film club: 'pre-crime' with after film discussion
- 7:30 pm
- Online
What if an algorithm predicts crimes before they happen? The third edition of the Science Film Club will take place on Wednesday 8 September with the documentary Pre-Crime (Matthias Heeder & Monika Hielscher, 2017), which shows how new technologies can be used to catch potential criminals. After watching the documentary together, Digital Legal Lab researcher Naomi Appelman and AI engineer Hilde Weerts will discuss the use of algorithms by Dutch police and security services.
Lunch Talk: just AI?
- 12:00 pm
- Online
In this lunch talk hosted by the University of Münster, Linnet Taylor (TILT & Digital Legal Lab) will talk about different disciplinary world views and how digital power should be controlled. Can current AI policy govern technology when different groups are in non-negotiable opposition?
TILT seminar: Non-discrimination by design
- 12:00 pm
- Online
Recently, the handbook "Non-discrimination by design" was published by the Dutch Government. This handbook is the product of an interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers from Tilburg University, TU Eindhoven, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights. In this TILT seminar, project lead Bart van der Sloot (TILT & Digital Legal Lab) and research team member Hilde Weerts (TU/e) will present the report and reflect on the interdisciplinary process of developing system principles for the development of AI systems based on the legal framework. Heleen Janssen (IViR) will act as discussant, and Merel Noorman (TILT & Digital Legal Lab) will chair the seminar.
DSA Observatory workshop: "An Endless Odyssey? Content moderation without general content monitoring"
- 4:30 pm
- Online
In this workshop – organized by Digital Legal Lab member Ilaria Buri and our other partners at the Amsterdam Law School's DSA Observatory – we will discuss content moderation practices in the light of the prohibition of general monitoring obligations with three top experts in the field: Prof. Pam Samuelson (Berkeley Center for Law & Technology), Dr. David Erdos (University of Cambridge), and Prof. Christophe Geiger (University of Strasbourg).
Summer Institute in Computational Social Science Maastricht (SICSS-Maastricht)
- 12:00 pm
- Online
From Monday, June 14 to Friday, June 25, 2021, Maastricht Law & Tech Lab - one of the four partner institutions of the Digital Legal Studies collaboration - will host the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science, to be held virtually at Maastricht University. The purpose of the Summer Institute is to bring together graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and beginning faculty interested in computational social science.
Researching adult content creators on digital platforms with Catalina Goanta & Jill Toh
- 4:00 pm
- Online
This multidisciplinary online event will bring together researchers (from business, computer science and law) to explore and discuss the issues creators face in online platforms like OnlyFans or Instagram, how these platforms may be better governed and the role of research in the improvement of these platforms. In addition, the discussion will touch upon questions relating to how to do research using data collected from adult content platform like PornHub. The event is co-hosted by Digital Legal Lab researcher Catalina Goanta (Maastricht University), with our colleague Jill Toh (IViR) on the speaker line-up.
TILT seminar on computing & data sciences with Linnet Taylor
- 12:00 pm
- Online
Join us for the next TILT seminar, "Social X: computer and data science as society", where dr. Linnet Taylor (Tilburg University & Digital Legal Lab), prof. George Fletcher and prof. Alexander Serebrenik (both TU Eindhoven) will make their case for an interdisciplinary network to research fundamental questions in social, philosophical and computing sciences.
Meijers Committee webinar on the DSA with Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius
- 12:30 pm
- Online
Prof. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Radboud University Nijmegen & Digital Legal Lab) is one of the speakers at this webinar on the Digital Services Act and extreme speech, organized by the Meijers Committee.
The Facebook competition law case reaches the CJEU: Can EU competition law and personal data protection law reinforce each other?
- 3:00 pm
- Online
In this workshop organized by the DSA Observatory at IViR, we will discuss questions around the Facebook competition law case with three top experts in the field: Heiko Dünkel (Head of Litigation at the German Consumer Federation), Dr. Kati Cseres (University of Amsterdam) and Dr. Inge Graef (University of Tilburg & Digital Legal Lab). The session will start with some opening remarks by the invited speakers, after which there will be room for discussion. The session will be moderated by Dr. Kristina Irion.
DTDM Lunchtime Talk with prof. Alessio Pacces
- 12:00 pm
- Online
The Digital Transformation of Decision-Making (DTDM) research initiative, the University of Amsterdam-based part of the Digital Legal Lab, will host a lunchtime talk with Prof. Alessio Pacces on Friday 28 May. Prof. Pacces is Professor of Law and Finance at the Amsterdam Law School and the Amsterdam Business School, and he is the director of the Amsterdam Center for Law and Economics (ACLE) and of the Master in Law and Finance at the University of Amsterdam. His research focuses on the economic analysis of corporate law and financial regulation, and is currently undertaking a project as part of the UvA Research Priority Area Human(e) AI on Collective decisions in Law and Economics: A computational perspective (with Dr. Davide Grossi and Prof. Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci).
TILTing Perspectives 2021: Regulating in Times of Crisis
- 12:00 pm
- Online
On 19, 20 & 21 May, the TILTing Perspectives conference will bring together researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and civil society at the intersection of law and regulation, technology, and society for the 7th time. We will share insights, exchange ideas and formulate, discuss and suggest answers to contemporary challenges related to technological innovation. The 3-day conference will include plenary sessions, parallel sessions, presentations and panel discussions with invited speakers.
Global Digital Cultures webinar: Platforms and the Digitisation of Expression and Surveillance
- 4:00 pm
- Online
In Europe today, digital platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, provide essential means for millions of people to express themselves, engage in public debate and organise politically. However, European governments are leveraging the power of platforms to impose new forms of restrictions on free expression, and engage in surveillance of individuals and online activism. This has profound implications for the rights to freedom of expression, privacy, and data protection. In this webinar, the speakers will discuss these issues, including government surveillance and access to user data from digital platforms; freedom of expression in the era of online gatekeeping by platforms; and how to go about democratising online content moderation.
DTDM Lunchtime Talk with Dr. Iris van Domselaar
- 12:00 pm
- Online
The Digital Transformation of Decision-Making (DTDM) research initiative at the Amsterdam Law School will host a lunchtime talk with our colleague Dr. Iris van Domselaar. Dr. van Domselaar is Associate Professor in legal ethics and legal philosophy, and founding co-director of the Amsterdam Centre on the Legal Professions and Access to Justice. Her research focuses on the question of how to account for ethics in legal practice, and she especially addresses this question in relation to the classic legal institutions, like the judiciary and advocacy and other institutions relevant for securing values of political morality and the rule of law.
cybersecurity & dispute resolution webinar
- 12:55 pm
- Online
The European Law Institute, the Radboud Universiteit and the UCLouvain jointly organize a series of lunch webinars on the relationship between cybersecurity and dispute resolution. Presentations will be given by academics and practitioners in the field of cybersecurity and will be followed by open discussions with the audience. The scientific coordination of the webinar series is led by Digital Legal Lab researcher Enguerrand Marique. Join us on 28 april 2021 for the first webinar: The EU responses to cyber-incidents, more regulation or more litigation?
Re-examining Section 230: Legal, Policy, and Technological Perspectives – A Workshop
- 6:00 pm
- Online
Digital Legal Lab researcher Joris van Hoboken is one of the speakers of this 2-day international workshop to identify key issues for consideration in the reexamination of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996. Section 230 provides Internet-based technology companies and social media platforms with immunity from civil liability for hosting user-generated content and in the removal or moderation of user-generated content. While Section 230 has played a significant role in the development of the Internet as a platform for the global exchange of information and ideas, disinformation and abuse on social media has become an issue of increasing concern. The workshop will explore how law, policy, and technology might better enable management of third party content while preserving free speech and democratic norms.
- 5:00 pm
- Online
Ronald Leenes, head of our research collaboration, will speak at the next TAISIG Talks on 22 April on some of today's challenges in regulating and managing AI developments. The possibilities with AI seem endless, but are these developments safe for people, their rights and freedoms? Facial recognition, for example, makes it possible to recognize total strangers based on a photo - but it takes away our anonymity in public spaces. There is a lot involved in regulating and managing AI developments. Do we need to understand the technology better in order to regulate accordingly or is legal disruption inevitable?
DTDM Lunchtime Talk with Fabio Chiusi
- 12:00 pm
- Online
The Digital Transformation of Decision-Making (DTDM) research initiative, the Amsterdam-based part of the Digital Legal Lab, will host a lunchtime meeting with Fabio Chiusi of AlgorithmWatch. Fabio is editor of the recent Automating Society Report 2020, published by AlgorithmWatch and Bertelsmann Stiftung. The report is a result of an unprecedented research effort to assess how automated processes and decisions are currently impacting all aspects of everyday life, ranging from welfare to health, education, justice and policing, in 16 European countries. The DTDM meeting will begin with a short talk by Fabio on the Automating Society Report 2020 and AlgorithmWatch’s work; and it will then be opened up for questions and discussion.
25th annual BTLJ-BCLT Symposium
- 6:00 pm
- Online
In digital networked environments, laws and regulations are not the only sources of rulemaking. Technical standards, the configuration of software, the architecture of hardware, and industry articulations of best practices also affect how information flows are permitted or forbidden. Joel Reidenberg’s prescient article, Lex Informatica: The Formulation of Information Policy Rules Through Technology, published in the Texas Law Review in 1998, urged policymakers to understand, consciously recognize, and encourage the evolution of these extra-legal influences to achieve optimal public policy outcomes. This symposium will honor the legacy of Reidenberg’s deep insights about Lex Informatica as policy levers and will explore respects in which Lex Informatica is working in the public interest and ways in which technology regulations could be improved. On the second day of this event, Digital Legal Lab researcher Natali Helberger will participate in Panel 3: Platform Liability Rules as Technology Policy Levers.
GOAL International AI Conference
- 8:45 am
- Online
Linnet Taylor will speak on the challenges of AI regulation and the formalization of fairness at the GOAL International AI Conference. The conference will take place fully online on 8-9 April 2021. It will feature interdisciplinary lectures and workshops presented by both GOAL project researchers and external speakers on the regulation of AI referring to the topic of "Governance of/by algorithms" from the fields of (socio-)informatics, law, ethics, economics and technology assessment.
Digital and Intelligent Europe: EU Citizens and the Challenge of New Technologies for Civil Justice
- 9:30 am
- Online
How can we design and regulate new technologies to ensure both protection of EU citizen and consumer rights as well as better access to justice? This is the central question at this 2-day conference, co-organized by Digital Legal Lab researchers Anna van Duin & Rachel Rietveld and with our collaboration's prof. Natali Helbeger & prof. Pietro Ortolani on the speaker lineup.
Digitalization of International Trade
- 3:00 pm
- Online
The International and Comparative Law Research Center in Moscow and UNCITRAL are organizing an online event on the digitalization of international trade, with experts discussing the role of digital technologies in restoring the interrupted commercial ties due to the pandemic and in establishing new ones. Professor André Janssen (Radboud University Nijmegen & Digital Legal Lab) will speak on smart contracts under the CISG.
DTDM Lunchtime Talk with Linnet Taylor
- 12:00 pm
- Online
The Digital Transformation of Decision-Making (DTDM) research initiative - the Amsterdam-based part of our collaboration - will host a lunchtime talk with Digital Legal Lab researcher Linnet Taylor (Tilburg University) on her research around data technologies & governance. To join, please RSVP to Naomi Appelman.
Synergy '21: scientists as the owners of our digital future
- 3:30 pm
- Online
In order to have a future where we all can be at home, Shoshanna Zuboff clarified the need for a shift in the power dynamics of data ownership in a keynote interview. After the interview, Linnet Taylor explored the strong Dutch tradition of critical scholarship on this issue, across many fields. Where does the work of Zuboff fit into the Dutch scientific landscape? How do Dutch researchers address the issues Zuboff focuses on? What do they envisage as possible ways forward and open questions regarding the fair use of our digital selves in this area?
TILEC Club Med: Inge Graef & Cédric Argenton
- 10:45 am
- Online
On 15 December 2020, the European Commission published its legislative proposal for a Digital Markets Act. The Digital Markets Act aims at ensuring contestable and fair markets in the EU digital sector by establishing do’s and don’ts for large online platforms that act as gatekeepers. Dr. Inge Graef and dr. Cédric Argenton will reflect on selected key aspects of the legislative proposal, including the definition of gatekeepers, the list of obligations and prohibitions, the enforcement procedure and the relationship with EU competition law.
TILT seminar: Towards fair, transparent & accountable AI in Europe
- 4:00 pm
- Online
Artificial intelligence and machine learning have become an integral part of our daily lives. Humans and algorithms are very different in the way they make decisions. Unfortunately, the legal tools available (e.g. data protection and non-discrimination law) were designed to govern humans, not artificial systems, and thus fail to protect us against novel risks. In this TILT seminar, Sandra Wachter will examine regulatory frameworks that are ill-equipped to keep biased algorithms in check. She will shed light what can be done from a regulatory perspective to prevent biased, discriminatory, unintended, or socially undesirable outcomes. Merel Noorman will moderate the session.
Roundtable: Privacy Enhancing Technologies and GDPR
- 1:00 pm
- Online
This PI.Lab roundtable organised by Bart van der Sloot will explore privacy enhancing technologies including MPC and federated learning, focusing on the implications and context of the GDPR. With Tjerk Timan (TNO), Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Radboud University), Anna Zsófia (University of Göttingen), Triin Siil (Cybernetica) and Marc van Lieshout (TNO)
Roundtable: Privacy Enhancing Technologies and GDPR
- 1:00 pm
- Online
This PI.Lab roundtable organised by Bart van der Sloot will explore privacy enhancing technologies including MPC and federated learning, focusing on the implications and context of the GDPR. With Tjerk Timan (TNO), Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Radboud University), Anna Zsófia (University of Göttingen), Triin Siil (Cybernetica) and Marc van Lieshout (TNO)
FEPS webinar: First look at the Digital Services and Markets Acts
- 1:30 pm
- Online
The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) has invited Catalina Goanta to give a first assessment of the European Commission's proposals for the regulation of online platforms: the Digital Services and Markets Acts. Do the proposals live up to the expectations?
Discussion session on legal NLP applications at ASAIL 2020
- 3:00 pm
- Online
During the 4th edition of the ASAIL 2020 workshop series, Ruta Liepina will talk about the potential of legal NLP to make real-world contributions in the short and long term.
GovTechTalks: 5g, Conspiracy Theories, and Social Media Influencers
- 12:00 pm
- Online
Catalina Goanta will delve into some important questions related to social media influencers & conspiracy theories at GovTechTalks, an online talks series on digital government and society hosted by the University of Groningen.
Digital Legal Talks 2020
- 1:00 pm
- Online
On 2 December, we looked back at the first year of our research initiative during our kick-off conference Digital Legal Talks. Researchers from all four partner universities presented their projects, we had keynote speeches by Julie Cohen and Frank Pasquale, two breakout rounds with lots of interesting presentations and PLSC-style paper discussions, and a closing discussion panel where sparks were flying on the topic of technology in relation to law & justice.
Legal Accelerators
- 9:30 am
- Online
Catalin Rusu was one of the invited speakers at Legal Accelerators, a 2-day online event on legal tech and innovation. He spoke about the novelties regarding competition law tools for digital markets.